Peru 2011


In February of 2011, Arthur did a rural rotation with his residency program, and we went to Trujillo, Peru to stay with the Ueltschey family. Check out their blog

Here is the link to our videos from Peru. A few things before you watch.
Please excuse:
1. My voice. . . Does anyone like the way their own voice sounds?
2. Arthur's filming skills. . . they are by no means professional.
3. The fact that I chose an Italian song for a group of Spanish speaking people.
4. Our complete sarcasm with one another.
5. The fact that I spelled Ueltschey wrong during one slide. . . sorry Marcus & Whitney.

Great, now that I have prefaced all the bad, try to enjoy it.
Peru2011 from Heather Wood on Vimeo.

Arthur is in Peru

The Wood Family 
I think I was about 13 weeks pregnant here. 


Sarah Caroline


A day at the beach

The orphanage

My absolute favorite picture of Whitney & Sam

The boys on the way to the clinic

The awesome Ueltschey family
Thank you for letting us stay with you guys for 2 weeks

The orphanage laundry
Anytime I complain about our laundry, I have to remember this picture. 1. I have a dryer. 2. I don't have to wash this many garments. 3. I had a mom & dad who lovingly washed clothes for me as a child. 

Machu Picchu


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