Exodus 2


Tonight I read in Exodus where Pharaoh's daughter sent Moses back to his mother to be nursed, & my heart just cheered for God! For Moses! For his precious mother!

Can you imagine sending your infant off to float in a straw-like fixture for the day on the river with your daughter? We panic about leaving our sweet babies for the first time... For a few hours... When they are 6 months old! I can't imagine my 3 month old hungry, confused, tired, no Baby-wise schedule, & stuck in a make shift float.

Your daughter texts you several hours into the day and alerts you that your baby has drifted into the line of sight of authorities. Your heart sinks knowing it's completely out of your control, & before you know it, she's home & tells you to keep him, nurse him, & love him until he is grown. Then he will go to live in the mansion of royalty.

At this point in the story I'm cheering for this Mom & the miracle God has performed! Yay! He's home. She gets to enjoy all those infant snuggles (plus she's getting paid for it... Whew!... Wish I got paid to nurse!).

It puts a whole new meaning on thanking God for allowing us to be mothers. Thank you, thank you, our precious Lord! I'm so grateful for my task as a mother, whether they are hard or easy. I'm so thankful for our security & blessings.


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